How to communicate with your dog in body language

      How to communicate with your dog Whether dogs are a new experience or have been a dog for a long time, it is very useful for you to know the meaning of your dog's communication signals so that you can adjust your behavior and reaction to its needs properly, Dog as well. Dogs make a few sounds, gesture with their bodies and make them - just like humans do - to express their feelings. Although these gestures may sound very similar to human gestures and signals, they may have different meanings in the dog world. In the next article, you will learn how to translate different ways of communicating different messages about dogs, and how to communicate effectively with them.

1- Learn how to translate the posture of a dog's body. 

The way a dog makes its body can tell you a lot about the mood and emotional state of the dog. Many signs are thin and unclear and you may need a lot of time to learn the meaning behind them, but in the end it is worth the effort.

2- Learn about fun and emotional behavior.

 Dogs express confidence and desire to play through body posture and physical signals.
Trust status. The confident dog stands tall and proud, raises its tail, slowly lifts it, its ears high up or relaxed, and it will appear to be very relaxed in general. In addition, the eye will have a smaller pupil, because of the great relaxation it feels.
Kneeling: When the dog faces you, his head and chest are low to the ground, his front legs are folded, his back and tail are high, this is a clear indication of his desire to play. This is called "rake play". [3] Dog owners may misinterpret them as attack situations, but they undoubtedly symbolize playtime and fun.
Swing thigh: Another indication of the dog's desire to play. This involves swinging the dog, swinging around another dog, and trying to hit it on the ground with its buttocks. [4] When the dog turns its back part to you, this is a sign of confidence, noting that this depends on your dog himself. In some cases, this may not mean that the dog needs some scratching. Doing a dog shaking the end of its back part is considered a sign of excitement and friendship. [5]
If the dog is stretched out in the air, its fore legs and shoulders are extended, and its head is close to the ground, it feels fun and willing to play.
If the dog raises its palm to try to touch your knee or any other part of your body, the dog wants to draw your attention, ask for something from you, or express its desire to play. [6] This physical sign begins with the dog's mind, Get mother's milk. [7] But it becomes common to offer a hand for peace and handshake as well. It is a sign of communion and friendship in general. [8]
Hand beatings are also used in the air by small puppies as an invitation to play.
If the tail of the dog is at a normal level with the body or slightly lower, it is likely that the dog feels safe and friendly. [9]
If the dog's tail vibrates violently, and is high at the same time, it is disturbed and wants to harass you or harass a fellow dog. [10] It may also be a reference to the exclusion of another animal.
If your dog is slowly and calmly kicking your tail, it's probably relaxed but motivated and waiting to start playing with you.
3- Translate signs of discomfort and anxiety.
 Knowing when your dog feels uncomfortable and insecure can help you meet his needs and provide comfort and support when necessary.
Speed ​​may be a sign of panic, but it may be a sign of excitement or boredom. If your dog gets a lot of exercise and entertainment, watch for any other signs of panic disorder that may be associated with increased speed of movement.
The threatened dog may have to lift the hair of the neck. This method, which involves lifting the round fur bar around the middle of the back of the dog, means that the dog is trying to make itself appear larger than normal. It is not necessarily an offensive sign but it is a sign of "extreme caution," making the dog himself ready for anything that might happen to him. The dog may be scared to bite, so you are highly alert when you find the dog has lifted the hair of his neck. [11]
A dog that is afraid or insecure may shrink or bend down. Simple attenuation may indicate compliance or panic. A similar position is the convex back, a slightly flexing leg, and a low tail - but not bent down - and looking at what concerns him.
The dog who raises one of his hands while leaving the rest of his body away from the person, the animal, or the odd thing about him, and the back of his body, tries to show his uncertainty and puzzlement. If the dog's head is tilted to either side, it means that the dog is listening carefully, or is ambiguous and wants more information.
The slow shaking of the tail with a slight reduction may be a sign of the dog's confusion and asking him about an explanation of what is happening, or that he checks something new that he feels surprised without being intimidated or threatened.
If the dog's tail is low without moving, the dog will be aware of what is happening. If the tail is low and moves slightly, it may be a sign of insecurity and anxiety. [12]
If this movement is light with a low tail, this may be a sign that the dog is sad or does not feel it is in good condition.

 4- I understand the warning signs of aggression.

 Dog aggression can lead to some unwanted battles and fighting. Recognizing these signals helps you to stop early handling the situation before it escalates and gets worse.
A dog that lowers its tail or folds between its feet appears to feel anxious, fearful, and uncertain. [13] [14] The tail is strongly shaken and may occur in the same position, leading to misunderstandings that the dog feels happy. This situation may indicate the dog's need for support and protection.
A dog that suddenly freezes in the middle of a particular act feels uncertain and distrustful of himself, preferring to leave alone, or is preparing for an attack. [15] This is common when a dog holds its bone. Never put yourself between a dog and its greatness!
If the dog is leaning forward and appears to be very strict, he feels aggressive or threatening. This happens in response to what the dog perceives as a threat or challenge. The tail will usually be folded down, or vibrate quickly and severely.
When the dog feels threatened, the white part of his eyes will appear obvious, as the dog stares at its potential threat.
When the dog shows signs of aggression, but then shakes his head and shoulders, he often tries to point to the end of his feeling of tension and anxiety, as if he is being warned or threatened by something unexpected.

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